Amazon 4 days training

Welcome to Saumic Craft’s Amazon Training program! Our goal is to help you boost your sales and enhance your profits by selling on Amazon. Our program offers valuable insights and strategies to help you succeed in the competitive Amazon marketplace. We cover everything from product research to listing optimization, pricing strategies, Amazon advertising, and inventory management. Get ready to elevate your Amazon business with our comprehensive training program!

  • Listings
  • Title
  • Product Photography
  • Bullet points
  • Description
  • Keywords
  • A+ Listing
  • Business reports
  • Coupons Creations
  • Lighting Deals
  • Ratings
  • Product Rating
  • Seller Rating
  • Summar

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  • Advertisement Panel
  • BID
  • СРС
  • ACOS
  • Advertisement sales vs Organic sales
  • How to increase your sales organically
  • Case study of a client
  • Increasing orders with the help of business reports
  • How to optimise advertisement
  • Scaling through business reports
  • Ads optimisation
  • Loop of automation
  • All over presence
  • Finding best niche
  • Bonus (surprise)
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